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Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download,

Download Citation | Engineering Management: Challenges in the new millennium | First Page of the Article | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGateEstimated Reading Time: 11 mins Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download, Ancient near eastern thought and the old testament book review, Engineering Management: Challenges in the New Millennium. Front Cover. Ching Ming Chang. Pearson Prentice Hall, - Engineering - pages Solution Manual for Engineering Management Challenges in the New Millennium by Chang Complete downloadable file Solution Manual for Engineering Management Challenges in the New Millennium by Chang Complete downloadable Dnm 81eaaz. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 16 Full PDFs related Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download

Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download

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To learn more, view our Privacy Policy, engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Up with Apple. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.

Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free DOC. Download Free PDF. Dnm 81eaaz. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. ABSTRACT Air Products and Chemicals Inc. The company started looking into the use of electronic commerce in the 's and built its web site, the first in the US chemical industry, in This case describes its various initial attempts to capture new opportunities offered by the Internet and Extranet and lays the foundation for devising a balanced e- commerce strategy that focuses on cost, control and security.

Air Products and Chemicals APCI achieved some success in using its Intranet systems to promote global communications, upgrade functional productivity, and whittle down operational costs.

Its expansion to the Extranet, wherein the company links with customers and external partners to facilitate transactions e. Students are to critically evaluate the company's current status and its future opportunities in order to propose a balanced e-commerce strategy.

The balance is to be maintained between competitiveness, engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download, customer value, and prudence. Strategic planning is also an important corporate activity to which engineering managers should learn to contribute actively. Review the web presence of APCI, engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download.

How was APCI involved in the use of the Intranet and Extranet? What should APCI do now? InAPCI was quite active in preparing its IT infrastructure to move from an internally focused communications structure to an externally oriented one that linked with customers, suppliers and partners. Its objectives were to augment transactions, cut costs, enhance productivity and quality, and customize services to users and suppliers. The company did so in accordance with the findings of the Computer Science Group Survey which specifically pointed out that computer-supported collaborative work is important, that the potential impact of e-commerce and the Internet on customer service and company productivity is large, and that one of the top IT issues is to properly connect with customers, suppliers, and partners.

The company did well by remaining sensitive to the industry surveys undertaken by reputable consulting firms or industry groups. How was APCI involved in the use of the Internet and Extranet? Facilitated by the advancement of Word Wide Web inAPCI built its first web site on January 8, The outcome was very encouraging: a it registered hits and visitors per day in ; b it received 12, hits, visitors per day, and emails inquiries per month to produce 10 — 20 prospects in ; c since the website contained engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download Specialty Gases Catalogs it thus reduced prints and achieved cost savings; d it also introduced an interactive component that allowed users to enter a phone number for APCI to return customer service calls.

Intranet - The Intranet, brought into being by APCI, was oriented towards employees. It shared information regarding benefits, training, employee directories, procedure manuals, human resources policies, and design data. It minimized paper documents and sped up communications. It also used a TCP-IP system and Windows 85 MS Internet Explorer browser to create a system to link all US and EU employees. For global operations, the Intranet system facilitated a hour turn around on technical and business proposals.

Extranet - APCI expanded its IT structure to enable an Extranet system which included controlled access to its Intranet as a supplement for purchasing invoices. It also freed up customer service people to better focus on big customers. APCI's involvement in both the Intranet and Extranet was quite successful. Management saw great potential in the use of these new technologies.

Strategic planning requires an understanding of the present as well as a vision for the future. Joe McMaken, APCI Management Information System VP, focused on a customer service, b cost saving, c productivity enhancement, and d worldwide communications. However, these foci are short-term oriented. He did not consider e supplier chain management and f speed to market. Following activities are recommended for APCI to initiate: A.

Coordinate E-commerce implementation policy. There is an urgent need for APCI to survey the diverse requirements of various business groups within the company and then to define a generic IT infrastructure and web page design, while allowing different contents e. Promote the wide usage of the web page. After it is its properly designed, the company should encourage various business groups within the company to use its web page systematically: a Packaged Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download - have a standard offering to small users; b Specialty gases - have vastly different products for users with limited demands; c liquid users - include both maps to show production sites near customers' locations and an estimation of the price of delivered products, including customers' station, delivery, telemetry and services; d small Plants - include VPSA, Membrane, and small oxygen plants concerning relative economics, system performance, and known customers; e applications - highlight industry- specific processes to optimize the value of gases products, patents, and awards; f on-site customers - offer general product information, new innovative application of gases, awards, articles about company, and the company's past financial performance.

The principal purposes of a web page are to a facilitate communication by providing contact points and b cause customers to want to do business with the company. It should employ the standard web page enhancement features e.

Customer Relations Management APCI should progress from customer service to customer relationship management. Tasks involved may include: a profiling major customers according to the Pareto Principle e. Supply Chain Management APCI should take a broader view regarding the selection of and teaming with suppliers.

Tasks include: a forming partnerships with equipment vendors for compressors, heat exchangers, vessels, control systems, and others to cut lead time; b establishing an industry wide purchasing collaboration system to jointly buy standard equipment; engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download c standardizing equipment specifications and designing the air separation process accordingly to maximum operability and rangeability.

In the selection of suppliers, four factors are important: initial cost, operating cost e. Enterprise Integration Invest in middleware or other suitable Enterprise Resource Planning ERP software tools which could link the existing legacy computer systems in order to speed up internal operations and to augment productivity. Procurement Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download For the procurement of maintenance, repairs, and operations MRO parts and supplies e.

Form industry-wide purchase consortium to further drive down costs. G Recruitment APCI should use the web page to attract needed talents. Related Papers Benefits of IT in supply chain management — an explorative study of progressive companies By Ljupce Jonceski. IT in SCM By SWATI SAINI. Information Technology in Supply Chain Management By Publishing India Group and Dr. T N VARMA. Internet, Intranets and Extranets in Organizations: An Integrative Literature Review By Mahmoud Moussa, PhD.

By Prattusha Chakraborty. Download file. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board We're Hiring! Help Center Find new research papers in: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science Terms Privacy Copyright Academia ©

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Engineering Management in the New Millennium

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Engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download

engineering management challenges in the new millennium pdf download

Download Citation | Engineering Management: Challenges in the new millennium | First Page of the Article | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGateEstimated Reading Time: 11 mins March 28, Add Comment Download Engineering Management Challenges In The New Millennium, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Former Indian President And, Ebook Engineering Management Challenges In The New Millennium, Engineering Management Challenges in the New Millennium, Free Ebook Engineering Management Challenges In The New Millennium, Free PDF 1. Introduction To Management Challenges For Engineers. I. THE FUNCTIONS OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2. Planning. 3. Organizing. 4. Leading. 5. Controlling. II. BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS FOR ENGINEERING MANAGERS. 6. Cost Accounting For Engineering Managers. 7. Financial Accounting And Analysis For Engineering Managers. 8. Managerial Finance For Engineering Managers

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